Best Option Selling Strategy for Intraday in Nifty and BankNifty

Unlock your trading potential with the best 3 intraday option selling strategies for Nifty & BankNifty. Backed by proven results, boost your profits with TradePik.

Best Option Selling Strategy for Intraday in Nifty and BankNifty

Let's be honest - the world of intraday options trading can feel like a wild rollercoaster. One minute you're on top of the world, the next, you're staring at a screen filled with red. But what if there was a way to tilt the odds in your favor? To harness the power of option selling and create a consistent income stream, even in volatile markets?

It's not just a pipe dream. I've spent countless hours backtesting and refining strategies, and today, I'm thrilled to share the fruit of that labor: a meticulously crafted basket of 3 option selling strategies that have consistently delivered profits in Nifty and BankNifty.

In this article, we'll dive deep into these strategies, explore their underlying principles, and reveal the backtested results that prove their effectiveness. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, these strategies have the potential to transform your intraday options game.

Why Option Selling? Flipping the Script on Intraday Trading

Alright, let's cut to the chase. We've all heard the stories of those overnight option millionaires – the ones who bought a call option just before the stock skyrocketed. Sounds great, right? Except, for every one of those stories, there are hundreds of traders who lost their shirts trying to catch that same lightning in a bottle.

The truth is, buying options is tough. You're fighting against time decay, market volatility, and the simple fact that most options expire worthless. It's like trying to hit a home run every time you step up to the plate – exciting, but not a sustainable strategy for long-term success.

That's why I shifted my focus to option selling. It's like being the casino instead of the gambler. You're collecting premiums (the price of the option) upfront and hoping the option expires worthless. The odds are in your favor – most options DO expire worthless.

Think of it this way: When you buy an option, you're betting on a big move. When you sell an option, you're betting on stability. And let's face it, the market spends a lot more time being stable (or at least moving within a range) than it does making those crazy, headline-grabbing jumps.

But hold on, I'm not saying option selling is a guaranteed win. There's still risk involved, and it's crucial to have a solid strategy. That's where my premium options basket comes in. It's a collection of three battle-tested strategies that I've personally used to generate consistent income from Nifty and Bank Nifty, day in and day out.

The Premium Options Basket: My Proven Trio of Intraday Strategies

Let's meet the stars of the show, the three option selling strategies that make up my premium basket. Each one has a unique role to play, and together, they create a powerful system for tackling different market conditions.

Strategy 1: Bank Nifty's Volatility Crusher

Bank Nifty can be a wild ride, with its sudden spikes and plunges. This strategy is designed to thrive in that volatility. It's all about identifying key levels and strategically selling options when the market gets a little too excited. We're essentially collecting premiums for providing insurance to those who are betting on big moves. And more often than not, those big moves don't happen, and we keep the premium.

Strategy 2: Nifty's Trend Rider

This one's for those times when Nifty has a clear direction, whether it's up or down. We ride the wave, selling options against the trend and profiting from time decay. It's like setting up a lemonade stand on a hot day – you know people are going to be thirsty, so you're there to provide the refreshment (and make some money in the process).

Strategy 3: Nifty's Range-bound Reaper

Sometimes Nifty just likes to chill out and move within a tight range. That's where this strategy shines. We sell options that straddle the expected range, collecting premiums and hoping the market stays calm. It's like playing defense in a basketball game – you're not trying to score flashy points, you're just preventing the other team from scoring.

The Beauty of Diversification:

Having these three strategies in your arsenal means you're prepared for whatever the market throws at you. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for trading – the right tool for every situation.

The Proof is in the Pudding: My Backtested Results

Now, I know what you're thinking. "This all sounds great, but does it actually work?" Well, let's let the data do the talking. I've rigorously backtested these strategies, and the results speak for themselves (Capital used: 15 lakh): 👇

Best Option Selling Strategies PnL Graph
Best Option Selling Strategies PnL Graph (January 2020 - July 2024)

Profit in 2024 👇

Best Option Selling Strategies PnL
Best Option Selling Strategies PnL in 2024

Intraday Option Selling Basket PnL Stats (Jan 2020 - July 2024): 👇

Best Option Selling Strategies PnL Stats (January 2020 - July 2024)
Best Option Selling Strategies PnL Stats (January 2020 - July 2024)
  • Win Rate: Over 63% of trades closed with a profit, demonstrating the consistency and reliability of these strategies.
  • Average Profit per Trade: An average profit of ₹10263.64 per trade showcases the significant income potential of this approach.
  • Risk-Reward Ratio: The risk-reward ratio of 1:16 highlights the favorable balance between potential profits and limited risk inherent in option selling.
  • Drawdown: The maximum drawdown of ₹60000 illustrates that even during periods of volatility, the strategies have proven resilient and capable of recovering from temporary setbacks.

These numbers aren't just theoretical; they're real-world results from applying these strategies in the Indian market. It's proof that you don't need to gamble on big moves to make money in options.

Unlock Your Intraday Options Potential Today

Ready to trade smarter and tap into consistent intraday profits? My Premium Options Selling Basket is your key.

What's Inside?

  • The 3 Strategies in Detail: Get the exact rules, setups, and entry/exit points for each strategy.
  • Ongoing Support: Markets change, and so do strategies. I'll keep you updated with adjustments and new insights.
  • Community of Traders: Connect with other traders, share ideas, and get support on your journey.

Don't miss this opportunity to take your options trading to the next level. It's time to turn volatility into your advantage.

Let's make those profits together!

Frequently asked questions:

1. What is Option selling basket for Intraday?

Our Option Selling Basket for intraday is a well-researched and tested approach to trading Nifty and BankNifty options. It focuses on specific entry and exit points to maximize gains and minimize risks, making it an ideal choice for intraday traders.

2. Is this Basket suitable for novice traders?

Absolutely! Our Basket is designed to cater to both novice and experienced traders. We provide step-by-step guidance, real-life examples, and expert mentorship to help traders of all levels understand and implement the strategy effectively.

3. How can I access the backtested data and charts?

We provide comprehensive backtested data and charts that demonstrate the strategy's success. To access this valuable information, simply scroll up to the designated section on this page to see real-time statistics and charts that back our strategy's effectiveness.

4. What kind of risk management is incorporated into this strategy?

Risk management is a key component of our strategy. We'll get clear instructions about how to set stop-loss orders and manage your capital effectively to protect your investments. Our approach is designed to help you mitigate risks while pursuing potential gains.

5. Can I interact with Sachin Sival if I face any issue during live market?

Yes, our premium program provides a platform for you to connect with other traders who are on the same journey. You'll also have direct access to Sachin Sival, where you can ask questions, discuss strategies, and gain insights from his extensive experience in the derivatives market.

6. Can I automate this strategy through algo trading tools.

Yes, You can automate this strategy through or stoxxo. We will help in case if you need any help.

7. How long will I get access to this strategy?

For one year, you will receive the latest updates regarding this strategy.

Disclaimer: Please read the SEBI Disclaimer and Refund Policy carefully before accessing this Option Selling Basket of Nifty and BankNifty for Intraday.